Now pull the barbell upward until it is about to touch your upper abs.
Bent over barbell row from floor.
Stand over a loaded barbell with the bar lining up with your toes.
Grab a loaded barbell with an overhand grip.
Keep your back straight and nearly parallel to the floor.
Your back should be straight and close to horizontal illustration needs correcting.
Slightly bend your knees and straighten your back with hips out.
The barbell bent over row also uses the back glutes and legs to stabilise the body too.
Keep your lower body strength to balance your whole body.
Bend at the hips and a little at the knees and grasp the barbell with hands a little wider than shoulder width apart.
The main muscles used are the latissimus dorsi lats which run down the sides of your upper back trapezius traps and rhomboids upper middle back.
To perform a standing barbell row start off with your legs slightly more than shoulder width apart barbell loaded plates secured surroundings checked and resting on the floor in front of your.
Bend forward at your waist and grip the barbell with an overhand grip.
Keeping your shoulder blades parallel to the floor.
Exhale as you pull the barbell up to your waist.
Stand by the side of the barbell and bend over to grab one end near the plates.