Enter thecutekid child baby contest now.
Best baby smile competition.
Get spotted by top model talent scouts.
Each participant scores a total result which is a sum of.
Cute baby photo contest final thoughts.
Nova rae deserves this title because she has brought her family closer together after losing her great grandmother.
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The cute kid of the year photo contest is ready to crown the cutest kid on the planet and give parents and guardians the opportunity to give their little angels an incredible leg up in their young lives.
Best baby smile contest inked up mommy due december 25.
Big smile for little baby sweetest baby photo contests at competico bringing you the best in photography competitions.
The feeling that you get after making a baby smile is the best feeling in the world.
If you re eager to win a cute baby contest make sure you have the camera ready at all times.
The worst thing that can happy by entering a baby photo contest is nothing at all.
This contest allows you to submit your child s most adorable photos all year long.
A baby s smile in the evening can turn your stressful day into a sunday in heaven.
The smile of a child is packaged rainbows and sunshine.
Wixx baby s best smile contest 02 sponsors.
The photo should depict a smiling baby.
You must be 14 years old to participate in this contest you must provide your real names telephone number and e mail your photo must be with a person or people who smile every user may participate with as many photos as he she wants voting rules.
Even if you don t win anything you will end up with a beautiful photo of your child.
Do you have a cute kid.
250 00 cash card from community first credit union 04 value of prize s.
Middletown oh united states 6972 posts aug 25th 08 must only enter one picture open for pictures for 24 hours then voting will begin and when we vote must not vote for your own.
Wixx 101 1 fm baby s best smile contest.
Official rules to be used when prizes are valued at or over 600 01 name of promotion.